Abstract:The scientific analysis of the mechanism and internal influence of the digital economy on the adjustment and optimization of the tourism industrial structure is an important issue. This analysis is necessary to release the value of the digital economy, improve tourism productivity, and promote the high-quality development of regional economies and societies. A panel data set of 30 provinces in China from 2011 to 2021 was employed to construct an index system for digital economy and tourism industry structure adjustment and optimization. This was followed by the clarification of the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of the two, as well as the revelation of the influence mechanism of digital economy on tourism industry structure adjustment and optimization. The results indicate that: 1) The development level of the digital economy demonstrates a consistent growth trend, exhibiting the spatial agglomeration characteristics of "eastern > central > northeastern > western." 2) The adjustment and optimization of the tourism industrial structure exhibit a consistent upward trend overall, demonstrating the spatial differentiation characteristics of "eastern > central > western > northeastern." Nevertheless, the development level of the digital economy and the adjustment and optimization of the tourism industry structure are affected by the new coronavirus epidemic, which will decline from 2020 to 2021. 3) The digital economy is positively promoting the adjustment and optimization of the tourism industry structure, and there are regional heterogeneity characteristics. Technological innovation and industrial upgrading have been identified as playing a partial intermediary role and a single threshold effect.
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